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Life Department

IMO Circ. 1206 (About the convention)

About the SOLAS Convention

On July 1, 2006, maintenance, testing and inspection, and servicing of life-saving appliances became mandatory in accordance with the guideline issued by IMO (MSC. 1/Circ. 1206, former 1093). Accordingly, life-saving appliances must be inspected and maintained annually or 5 yearly by the representative of each manufacturer or engineers who have been appropriately trained and qualified by the manufacturer. Upon completion of regular inspection and maintenance, a statement to the effect that lifeboat appliances are in working condition suitable for the purpose is issued by the representative of the manufacturer or personnel qualified for operation by the manufacturer.

About the annual inspection

Since lifeboats serve an important role in the lives of humans, we are meticulous when it comes to their quality control. We also perform regular inspections and maintenance in accordance with IMO MSC/Circ. 1206 that when into effect on July 1, 2006 to respond to users needs.